A Quick Fix…Webbing

One thing I’ve noticed is that many of my customers could do simple repairs on their own machines, but they just lack the confidence that they can do it!

Do you have some webbing that is loose or chewed up by the dog? Maybe the dog leash? Maybe a backpack? Duffle bag?

Repairing webbing is simple and quick.  As long as the item fits under your presser foot easily, you shouldn’t have any trouble sewing on it.

Here is an example.

This is a fishing “fanny pack” tote bag.

fishing tackle bag, webbing, 298

The stitching on some of the webbing has come undone and it is barely hanging on:

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First, put in a matching thread in the top and bobbin of your sewing machine.

In this case, because the webbing is black and the bag is green, I put a black spool of thread on the top part of the machine and green thread in the bobbin.

You don’t have to do that, but those kind of details make it look nice on the front of the bag and inside as well. But, if you don’t have the exact match, try to match the webbing.

Switch to a “Denim” needle. I find that the Schmetz brand is typically easy to find. Be sure to use the correct needle for your brand of machine. I like the denim needle because it is stronger than a regular sized needle.

Shimmy the item under the presser foot, making sure that the bag is smooth under the presser foot and no other fabric or webbing is caught under the presser foot or in the way of the needle.

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Be sure and hold the thread tails as you begin to sew so that they don’t get all tangled underneath and make a mess.

Backstitch at the beginning and end of your stitching. On a project like this, I tend to go over the entire length at least twice and then backstitch.

And, that’s all there is to it!

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Repairing them yourself only takes a few minutes once you get your sewing machine set up!

If you’ve got some more serious tears in your item, check out these posts:

Mending What the Dog Chewed Up, Part 1

Mending What the Dog Chewed Up, Part 2